

Hi. I'm Jamie and I live in New York City. It's a pleasure to meet you.


I'm going to Yoga School and from everything I've read/heard, obtaining your 200-Hour Vinyasa Certification is quite the journey. I'm starting this blog so I can textually capture everything I learn, feel, think, and do along the way to Namaste. And yes, I'm overly pleased that I was able to rhyme something with Namaste.


The Teacher Training program is run through my favorite yoga studio in NYC (Yoga to the People. )If you've never been there, go. They're fabulous.


Classes begin Friday, October 11th 2013 and I graduate December 20th 2013. The schedule is grueling when viewed in tandem with my full time job in the city. I work in the SEO industry, full time Monday through Friday. Then, my Yoga Teacher Training hours are:

Every Friday night: 6PM - 9PM
Every Saturday: 10AM - 5PM
Every Sunday: 10AM - 5PM

Outside of these hours, students need to complete at least 3 yoga classes/week.

That's a lot of yoga.

Something I just realized: I will not have a day off (i.e. no work or yoga)
 for the next 71 days straight.


I love this part. Let's dive in, shall we?

Yoga makes you feel strong, able, healthy; like you're capable of enduring anything. You become aware of your body, what it can do, and how hard you can push yourself. You often impress yourself. Sure, its easy to talk about what you gain. It makes us all feel good to point out where we expended efforts that result in achievements. We like feeling like champions. But the act of The Conquer isn't always the only story worth telling. 

There's another, arguably more important part of yoga. The part that spotlights how weak you are. Yes, I said weak, and yes, I believe this is good. Yoga teaches you to be honest with yourself. It makes you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes really uncomfortable and 

you wobble,
you shake, 
you slip, 
you fall.

You realize that you will never be perfect because there's always somewhere new to explore in a pose or more energy to exude. And from those instances of instability, you're able to identify and caulk the cracks of your own personal foundation. And it is not until your foundation is truly solid that you can rise.

So why do I want to teach?

 its simple really. 

The idea of being able to help someone else build that foundation for their own life is a completely awesome concept to me. 


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